Little Layla,

You won't remember the day you got baptized. You won't remember how so many of the people who love you gathered with your mom and dad in the back of your church. You won't remember the white christening gown you wore, the same gown your sister wore less than two years earlier. You won't remember how the room was cold or how your cousins weaved in and out of the pews, as they waited to go to your house for cake.
You won't remember the priest or the water or the oils or the prayers we prayed over you and for you.
But we will.
I will.
So if you ever need reminding of the day you officially were brought into the family of God, I'm your girl.
Thanks for letting us be a part of your beautiful day.
Love you, little girl.
(thanks to Aunt Carol for taking these photos at the baptism)
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