Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Why are every single one of my towels hanging outside to dry, you ask?

Because our water heater broke (burst, more accurately) early in the morning sending water pouring all over my guest bathroom and sending me crawling underneath our house to turn off the water.

I was completely convinced I was going to get ax-murdered. Or that I was going to find a dead body under there. (I have been watching too much Criminal Minds lately, I guess)

As I was crawling under the house, this thought struck me: "This is growing up. These are the things that happen which slowly but surely turn into you a grown up."

And then, of course, I went back to freaking out.

Thankfully, Guy would arrive home shortly to crawl and climb with me. The water would get cleaned up. We would get a new water heater. My towels survived.

And so did I.

Here's to growing up, friends.


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