Three months.
And we meet them in the wilderness.
Three months already they’ve been walking around here.
And yet today we find them camping at the base of a mountain in the wilderness.
And the glory of the God surrounds that mountain and it burns with the power of God, which they have been witness to, time and time again.
God is about to call Moses up on there on that mountain and God’s about to hand down the covenant, the 10 commandments, the stone tablets, the whole shebang.
And as he goes, Moses leaves them with a promise from the mouth of God. “That I who delivered you from Egypt, who brought you here on eagles’ wings, I will make you my people.”
And then Moses goes up. And the people are left
Still in the wilderness.
For forty days.
Waiting at the base of the mountain .
Still in the wilderness.
After forty days, the word goes out that Moses is late. That maybe he’s dead. That maybe its over.
That maybe this mountain in the wilderness is as far as they get..."
Listen to the rest of the sermon here
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