Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sometimes I preach: The Reason Behind All This Time and Sand, Exodus 19:1-6,32:1-6 (SSUMC on 6/1514)

We started a new sermon series this week at SSUMC called Painting Pictures of Egypt, based on various stories from Exodus and Numbers featuring the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. I had the privilege of kicking us off last Sunday. If you are interested in the song I mention at the very beginning which the series is based on, you can hear it here

"We meet the Israelites here on the third new moon after they had gone out from Egypt. Three months had come and gone since the water of the Nile turned the blood, frogs and locusts filled the sky, since the Angel of the Lord swept through Egypt but passed over them, since they marched out Egypt with gold and silver and song. Three months since the Red Sea split in two and they walked across on dry land. Three months since they watched Pharoah’s army swept away in that same water.

Three months.

And we meet them in the wilderness.

Three months already they’ve been walking around here.

And yet today we find them camping at the base of a mountain in the wilderness.

And the glory of the God surrounds that mountain and it burns with the power of God, which they have been witness to, time and time again.

God is about to call Moses up on there on that  mountain and God’s about to hand down the covenant, the 10 commandments, the stone tablets, the whole shebang.

And as he goes, Moses leaves them with a promise from the mouth of God. “That I  who delivered you from Egypt, who brought you here on eagles’ wings, I will make you my people.”

And then Moses goes up. And the people are left

Still in the wilderness.

For forty days.

Waiting at the base of the mountain .

Still in the wilderness.

After forty days, the word goes out that Moses is late. That maybe he’s dead. That maybe its over.

That maybe this mountain in the wilderness is as far as they get..."

Listen to the rest of the sermon here

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My favorite boy turned 27 two weeks ago, which is convenient since that means his birthday weekend fell over the holiday weekend!

Though Guy doesn't take birthday nearly as seriously I do, I still wanted to make a big deal out of it since he is pretty sure that 27 is going to be the best age.

So starting on Friday, we began celebrating. I made him his favorite desert (that I make) and we took off for a date at the Fernbank Planetarium.


Then after church on Sunday, we drove to Chattanooga Bend State Park for a picnic and hiking alongside the river.


I might have vandalized a little bit. But it seemed worth it.

After hiking we drove to LaGrange to spend the night. We ate at Brickyard Grille and Tavern in downtown LaGrange. (side note: the table looks a table made for a giant. In real life, I did not get that impression)


The next morning, we drove to Franklin D. Roosevelt State Park (the largest state park in Georgia) to explore.

(Photo evidence of our pit stop at a Piggly Wiggly: Guy wanted to try to some local cuisine)


The park itself was impressive and we had a great time exploring some of the trails, though my favorite part was this place which overlooked the rest of the park.


(I could have stayed there all day with our pork cracklins, my mismatched socks and our picnic blanket.)

Happy 27th birthday, Guy. May it be the best year yet and the beginning of even better ones to come.

I love you.